If you’re looking to acquire networking equipment for your home or business, you have a lot of options. Many goods are compatible with Wi-Fi technologies, which include the 802.11a, 802.11b/g/n, and/or 802.11ac wireless protocols. Other wireless technologies, such as Bluetooth, are also available and serve specialized networking needs. For fast reference, the most recent recognized…
The front panel of your Verizon Fios router has a “Unifed Button” (also known as the “WPS” button) that displays the current state of the Fios router. Fios routers have five different color indicators, each representing a different router condition: white, blue, green, yellow, and red. Your router can tell you a lot of things,…
A universal remote control can be an excellent way to control your home entertainment system. These handy gadgets can easily control your Samsung television as well as all of your external devices, allowing you to have a single remote that does it all! And you’re probably wondering what are the Universal remote codes for a…
Do you want to know if you can connect Apple AirPods to Samsung TV? These are both fantastic pieces of technology, and the good news is that you can use them together fairly easily – you just need to connect them. Because Apple AirPods don’t have wires, you may be wondering how to do so,…