Arduino USB Host Shield 2.0
This is revision 2.0 of USB Host Shield. Thanks to new interface layout it is now compatible with more Arduinos – not only UNO and Duemilanove, but also big Mega and Mega 2560 work with Standard variant of this shield out of the box.
No more SPI re-wiring and code modifications – just solder included stackable connectors (2×3 ICSP connector’s female side should be facing down), plug and play!

This shield is shipped as a kit, containing populated and tested board plus a set of stackable headers, which you need to solder on the board. Fully assembled shield is also available.
This shield will work with standard (dual 5/3.3V) and 3.3V-only (for example, Arduino Pro) boards.
Arduino clones with standard connector layout, including ICSP connector, should work, however only BlackWidow has been tested so far.
If your Arduino clone doesn’t follow classic layout, take a look at previous revision of the shield.
The following device classes are currently supported by the shield:
- HID devices, such as keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc.
- game controllers – Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox360
- USB to serial converters – FTDI, PL-2303, ACM, as well as certain cell phones and GPS receivers
- ADK-capable Android phones and tables
- Digital cameras – Canon EOS, Powershot, Nikon DSLRs and P&S, as well as generic PTP
- Mass storage devices, such as USB sticks, memory card readers, external hard drives
- Bluetooth dongles
Support for more devices is currently in development.
The shield is shipped from the United States.
If you live in Europe, there are two places that distribute it. First, this board is distributed by Check them out – for Europeans, shipping time (and possibly shipping price) should be much better!
Second, the TKJ Electronics carries them as well. They also offer header soldering service for a small fee. They’re also a major contributor to the USB Host library – check their blog often!
Newer Arduino USB Host Shield Components
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The following is an older archive article on our site. See newer USB HOST Sheilds on Amazon Above

USB Host Shield 2.0 – bare PCB
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This is a bare PCB of USB Host Shield 2.0 – for those who prefer building their own.

USB Host Shield 2.0 for Arduino – Assembled
This is revision 2.0 of USB Host Shield. Thanks to new interface layout it is now compatible with more Arduinos – not only UNO and Duemilanove, but also big Mega and Mega 2560 work with Standard variant of this shield out of the box. No more SPI re-wiring and code modifications – just plug and play!
This shield comes with standard 0.1″ headers soldered on – if you prefer stackable headers and don’t mind soldering take a look at the kit variant of the shield.
This shield will work with standard (dual 5/3.3V) and 3.3V-only (for example, Arduino Pro) boards.
Arduino clones with standard connector layout, including ICSP connector, should work, however only BlackWidow has been tested so far.
If your Arduino clone doesn’t follow classic layout, take a look at previous revision of the shield.
The following device classes are currently supported by the shield:
- HID devices, such as keyboards, mice, joysticks, etc.
- game controllers – Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox360
- USB to serial converters – FTDI, PL-2303, ACM, as well as certain cell phones and GPS receivers
- ADK-capable Android phones and tables
- Digital cameras – Canon EOS, Powershot, Nikon DSLRs and P&S, as well as generic PTP
- Mass storage devices, such as USB sticks, memory card readers, external hard drives
- Bluetooth dongles
Support for more devices is currently in development.

USB Host Shield for Arduino Pro Mini
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This is USB Host Shield designed to be easily combined with “Mini” variant of Arduino Board, specifically, Sparkfun 3.3V Arduino Pro Mini. It will also work with other 3.3V Arduinos. Also, due to its’ small size it can be used as general MAX3421E breakout board.
This shield is fully compatible and supported by USB Host Shield Library. Arduino Pro Mini is not included.
In Europe, this board is distributed by Check them out – for Europeans, shipping time (and possibly shipping price) should be much better!

USB Host Shield for Arduino
This is legacy product to be used with older and other “not so compatible” Arduino boards. For most other cases, the latest revision of the board is recommended.
This shield adds USB Host capabilities to popular Arduino platform. Comes in four different configurations (details in the article). Software support for new devices is constantly added; at the moment, code for USB keyboard and PS3 controller are ready with Bluetooth and digital cameras in the works. To learn more about the project, browse USB Shield category on this site.
If you are planning to use this shield with one of the “Big” Arduinos, like Mega or 2560, SPI signals would have to be rerouted, i.e., pins 13,12,11 of the shield should be connected to pins 50,52,51 of the Mega.
Solarbotcis sells my boards. If you are in Canada, you may want to check them out for better shipping time and rates.